티스토리 뷰

T/N: Hello guys! Advanced Merry Christmas! I wanted to put these translations on ONF’s Vlive but since it’s Christmas eve and it’s quite busy at home I can only post translations. If anyone wants to add them on Vlive please feel free to do so, just don’t forget to give credits ❤️

​Full Video: http://www.vlive.tv/video/53103

HJ - Hyojin
CY - Changyoon
SJ - Seungjoon
JY - Jaeyoung
MK - Minkyun
YT - Yuto
MS - Minseok
ONF - All

Starts at 0:03
HJ: 1, 2..
ONF: Lights On! Hello we’re ONF!
HJ: Hello everyone! Ah what do we do, it’s been a long time right?
YT: Long time no see!
MK: Long time no see!
SJ: I’ve wanted to do a Vlive.
MS: Wow, I’ve also wanted to.
YT/JY/MK/CY: Me too!
HJ: It’s been a while since we last did a Vlive as a group. We’re glad that we’re able to greet you like this after a long time, right?
CY: We feel great.
MS/YT: Nice to see you!

Starts at 7:20
SJ: Changyoon will explain since he’s good at it...
CY: This week, we.. ah, it’s tomorrow right?
ONF: Tomorrow.
CY: Tomorrow, the 24th, what time will it start?
SJ: 4:00PM!
ONF: It’s at 4:10PM!
CY: (to SJ) You must be nervous.
SJ: Ah, no..
MK: He spoke too fast.
SJ: It’s because I wanted to say it. It starts at 4:10PM, but while you’re waiting please search for us.
CY: Right! Also it’s Christmas eve, right? On Christmas eve, dress warmly and make sure to watch MIXNINE!
ONF: Don’t miss it!

Starts at 1:22
MK: Aside from MIXNINE, what else is there?
HJ: Ah, what kind of day is it?
MS: What could it be?
SJ: I don’t know
JY: What day is it?
YT: The 24th? 1, 2, 3, 4..
ONF: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear E-tion/Lee Changyoon, happy birthday to you!
SJ: It’s our E-tion’a birthday!
CY: Ah, thank you so much! Thanks as well to a lot of people who greeted me. Thank you to our viewers and our fans who are supporting us. We are really, really, working hard.
JY: Yes, that’s right
CY: We’re really... working hard right?
ONF: Of course!
SJ: We’re working hard until dawn
ONF: Right, right
SJ: We are...
HJ: We are really working hard. Please cheer and vote for us, we’ll be really thankful
JY: Voting is still ongoing, so please don’t forget to vote for us
HJ: It’s the Christmas eve on the 24th as well as Changyoon’s birthday, so we’ll be really thankful if you watch MIXNINE while congratulating Changyoon (on his birthday).
CY: Also, voting is until the 25th, 9AM at (JTBC’s) official homepage..
HJ: There’s MelOn too
CY: It’s possible to vote both on the official homepage and on MelOn
SJ: Also, there are more birthday celebrants in the winter right?
JY: Oh!
SJ: Whose birthday is it?
JY: Who could it be?
MS: Ah, on January, whose birthday is it?
SJ: (raises hand) Lee Seungjoon! Please support Lee Seungjoon a lot!

Starts at 3:14
SJ: Since we’re far away, they can’t see our faces well. Let’s go closer and do something like an appeal..
HJ: Let’s do it one by one
JY: I’ll change it to selfie mode
CY: It’s been a long time since we last did this

JY: Hello!
CY: Start with a self introduction first
JY: Uh.. right now.. ah do it landscape?
JY: First off, I’m 23-year old Shim Jaeyoung from WM who’s currently participating in MIXNINE. Everyone, please vote for me a lot. Please support

YT: Wow! Hello! Lights On! Hello I’m Yuto from ONF.
HJ: Yuto, you’re so handsome
JY: So handsome
YT: I’m really working hard so I hope you cheer on me a lot.

CY: Ah, is it my turn?
YT: Birthday celebrant. Tomorrow’s birthday celebrant
CY: Thank you! Hello! I’m 24-year old Lee Changyoon from WM Ent and ONF. Nice to meet you!
HJ: Say something, Changyoonie (t/n: my heartㅠㅠ)
CY: Thank you.. (laughs) It’s been a long time (since I did a Vlive) so I’m nervous.

HJ: Hello everyone! Lights On! I’m Hyojin from ONF. Right now I’m doing a Vlive with my precious members after a long time. I’m happy that I’m able to meet everyone after a long time.. and I feel strange. And also.. please support us! Give us lots of love.

MS: Ah is it my turn? Lights On! Hello this is ONF’s Laun. We haven’t held a Vlive for quite a while so I think our fans worried and waited. We’re preparing for another stage on the 30th (third round of competition) so please look forward to it. We’ll work hard so please support us.
HJ: (shows a book with the word Paradise) Ah, a book appeared
SJ: A book appeared
MS: Thank you

SJ: (laughs) Naturally, naturally. (shows same book) Oing. Hello! This is Lee Seungjoon, the spark guy from ONF. Everyone, we’re always working hard and we miss you everyday, we didn’t know we’ll be holding a Vlive today. During our competitions, we’ll always show our best side, cool side.. what kinds of sides do we have?
MK: Cute side
SJ: Yeeeees
JY: Welcome to Paradise~
SJ: Oh where did that come from? That sounded nice. Ah yes.. You went too far. Next. Please support us a lot!

MK: Hello! (flips cam to portrait)
SJ: Don’t do it that way!
MK: OK! Hello. I’m MK who has a lemon-like voice from ONF. Since I’m the last, I’ll shortly sing a song. 1, 2, 3, 4..

Love Never Felt So Good by Michael Jackson

MK: Ah, I’m embarassed since it’s been a while.. Yes.. so I’m honored to hold a Vlive after a long time. Ah I’m nervous since it’s been a long time that I haven’t done (a Vlive)!!
SJ: Why are you like that?
MK: Okay. We’re always working hard, right now we’re practicing too. Please vote and support us.

SJ: We have to wrap up. Since it’s a shame that we have to part, we’ve prepared a final greeting.
HJ: Let’s do it as a selca
SJ: We can do that
HJ: Everyone’s faces can be seen
JY: Ah I’m not visible
SJ: 1, 2..
ONF: Lights Off! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ha ha ho
JY: Tomorrow at 4:10PM, don’t forget to watch MIXNINE at JTBC.
ONF: Bye! Nooo-

​Translations by @teochi
May contain inaccuracies.
Please do not
edit and claim as your own.

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