티스토리 뷰

I forgot that this existed until I saw Wyatt’s middle school photos again. One of his classmates actually posted them along with a story of how Wyatt was during middle school.

“Ah heol really I’m in the same class with Jaeyoung during middle school! At that time too he’s very talented ㅋㅋㅋ He’s a great dancer that he even dances in school trips and retreats!! I think he dressed up as a girl ... I don’t remember, but there’s a photo so I shall take a lookㅎ He’s really kind so I thought he could be a celebrity since he has a lot of talents. He is very kind, his personality is good too like he’s a born celebrity(?) I don’t know how he was during high school, but when I watched the TV and saw Shim Jaeyoung’s name I was really surprisedㅠㅋㅋㅋ”

“I don’t think Jaeyoung had mentioned about wanting to become an idol singer or a celebrity, but I thought he would definitely get into the entertainment world since he had been showing his talents a lot!

During our graduation trip, he danced~ there’s a photo ㅎ it was included in the graduation album, his dance moves were cool but his expression......... (Sorry I couldn’t protect you Jaeyoung-ah) When fans see the photo I think you’ll go ujjujju* (I also stan a different group so I know the feeling) but I’m afraid Jaeyoung might feel uncomfortable ㅠㅠ

I’m not the closest girl with Jaeyoung from our class~ but Jaeyoung is close with everyone, I’m shy around guys(?!) but I’m comfortable with Jaeyoung! His personality is really great that he’s a guy that can comfortably joke around girls? Really kind! He doesn’t do immature things with other guys and I’m amazed at how he can be polite and joke around at the same timeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ well-mannered? I’m not saying nice things about him just because we’re classmates but because Jaeyoung is really like this!! I’ve written this hoping that Jaeyoung will do well with ONF ㅠㅠ

During high school, I remember he went to Hanlim Arts School but since I went to a different school I didn’t know the news! Sometimes when I see idols, I go “Ah right what could Shim Jaeyoung be doing” but when I saw him on TV earlier I was really surprised ㅠㅠ

👉🏻 Ah also Jaeyoung has a really kind personality so I was thinking if I have any stories about him, but one came to mind! There’s someone who doesn’t go well with our class a bitㅠ There was this classmate who was picked on, we have someone like that in our class too! Not a severe teasing but more like a secret/mild teasing? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ But (Jaeyoung) didn’t treat that friend differently so deep inside I reflected a lot

Anyway, Jaeyoung fans, ONF fans, please give Jaeyoung lots of love. He’s a same aged guy friend, since he is the type of friend who is mature, kind, and can learn a lot from him, I wanted to support him. Shim Jaeyoung fighting! Sorry I couldn’t take photos well...😗”

​Photo Credits: ONFshine__
Translations: ai / teochi
May contain errors
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