티스토리 뷰

Ongoing translations

Written Profiles
Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Roe deer!
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: When we ate lots of delicious food after wrapping up promotions
Q. Compliment a member
A: MK! Because of the overflowing energy he showed on stage while we were promoting, the stage looked more awesome
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: Great singer
Q. What are fans for me?
A: My everything

Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Stylish!
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: Jisang hyung (G-High) treated us to beef!
Q. Compliment a member
A: MK- He raises our energy!
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: Great job
Q. What are fans for me?
A: Motivation!

Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Funny
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: I ate beef
Q. Compliment a member
A: U, you're always passionate. You're so cool~
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: I love you♡
Q. What are fans for me?
A: Precious FUSE♡

Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Brave
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: First place nomination!
Q. Compliment a member
A: U~ Thanks for helping me with dance
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: I love you~♡
Q. What are fans for me?
A: Vitamins~♡

Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Lemon
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: When I made a good song
Q. Compliment a member
A: U. Thank you for leading us well during choreo practice
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: Thank you Minkyun-ah^^
Q. What are fans for me?
A: Love

Q. Word(s) to express myself?
A: Powerful cutie maknae! Flying squirrel!
Q. Something that made me happy recently
A: Ugly Dance promotions!!
Q. Compliment a member
A: J-US hyung! Thank you for always helping me work on choreos!!
Q. A phrase that makes me happy when I hear it
A: You've worked hard today as well.
Q. What are fans for me?
A: Happiness

Q. It's the second meeting of ONF and The Star. What are your thoughts?
WYATT: It's an honor to have filmed with The Star for the second time. I think we have a good relationship.
E-TION: The last time we filmed for The Star, I saw the outcome and it turned out great.
HYOJIN: The fans really liked it.
E-TION: We're looking forward to this shoot, too. (laughs)

Q. How did you find today's shoot with a refreshing concept outdoors?
HYOJIN: We don't have a lot of opportunities to shoot outdoors like this. I did some monitoring and the colors looked very pretty so I'm excited for it. Having to film outdoors while inhaling the nature's scent felt really good. It's been a fun filming.

Q. Is there a member who likes nature or enjoys it?
E-TION: When I look at nature, I take a photo of it using a film camera. I like that I can look at parts of nature I didn't know and at the same time keep a record of it.
WYATT: I like taking a walk outside. When I ride a car, I often open the window. I like getting fresh air and breathing in the scent of summer. I think I'm the type to enjoy nature. If you're curious what summer scent smells like, open the window when you ride a car and smell the scent of the grass.

Q. What are ONF's plans this summer?
WYATT: We will be preparing so that we can meet our fans the soonest we can.
HYOJIN: If we'll get to (have another comeback) on summer, we want to appear with a refreshing song fitting for the summer. In the past, we received lots of love in the summer because of our song Complete and I hope there will be another day like that.

Q. How do you enjoy summer?
MK: It's hot during summer, right? I like going to a swimming pool or valley to cool down. Though I can't do them right now due to COVID-19 but that's how I used to enjoy summer.
U: I turn on the AC of the room and eat kimchi noodles there. I got into kimchi noodles two years ago and I started eating it again recently. It's the best.
E-TION: I think I'll beat the heat if I go to a cool cafe and drink iced americano.
HYOJIN: When it's hot, it's easy to get a cold when you turn on the AC. That's why I always bring long sleeved shirts with me. Also, I think having bingsu or ice cream is a must during summer. Though eating too much of it will give you a stomachache so please be careful.
J-US: I want to enjoy the summer by going on a staycation or going to a place where I can spend time alone.
WYATT: Prior to the pandemic, I frequently went to the sauna. I enjoy going to the ice room to cool down or go back to the sauna to warm up while drinking sikhye. That's how I relieved stress. After the pandemic ends, I want to go the sauna again.

Q. Today's TMI?
MK: On the way here, I screamed inside the car to increase the hype. (laughs)
J-US: There's a cat in the cafe here so I took a photo with it. There was another cat that looks like a tiger but I think I'll get hurt if I touch it so I didn't get to touch it. (laughs)

Q. The title track "Ugly Dance" has strong beats and powerful lyrics which are impressive. What are the musical colors and message you wanted to show through this album?
HYOJIN: It's our first time to try the hiphop genre.

Translations by etionman
May contain inaccuracies/grammatical errors

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