[TRANS] 180101 E-tion’s Handwritten Letter

teochi 2018. 1. 1. 17:58

From his first solo VLIVE: http://www.vlive.tv/video/53894

Hello. This is ONF’s Lee Changyoon Sensation, E-tion. First off, I’d like to say thank you to everyone who waited and cheered on me. I really missed you.

There were lots of people who were worried, but I was happy during the times that I was recording. Firstly I was with ONF members, and I really learned a lot from meeting hyungs, same-aged friends, dongsaengs, writers, PDs, and lots of good people. Since they were in my life, it has become a good experience. So that’s why you don’t have to worry now. No no no!

Also, I’ve now started again as ONF so let’s meet often just like before. I don’t have a talent for writing but the reason I wrote this letter is because I want to thank you and communicate, tell you my feelings about this past year. Also there a lot of fans who have written letters, and after worrying about how I can respond I thought it would be good if I relay my message through VLIVE.

There are really a lot of things that happened in 2017. First and foremost we’ve debuted so we’ve met you. Then we went on MIXNINE. Then like this I’m spending the year-end with everyone.

I think I’ve lived a really happy life.

Also I have a favorite time/period in a year, that period is from December 24th to the 31st. There’s no huge meaning behind it but it’s because (during that period) my birthday and Christmas is there. But I think this year I preciously spent it more than last year.

Our members have worked hard and done a good job this 2017! Let’s work hard on the remaining stages too. I’ll watch at home. But you know that health is the most important, right?

Also to our MIXNINE friends whom we’ve met because of having the same dreams, since it’s fate, fighting until the end!

Also, to those who are watching this now and those who are cheering on me I hope you happily spend the last night of 2017 just like me. Thank you for 2017 and please take care of me in 2018.

Happy New Year!

​​​Translations by @teochi
May contain inaccuracies.
Please don’t edit and claim as your own.

Happy New Year everyone!!!! ❤️