180817 Simple ONF Quiz - Answer Key

teochi 2018. 8. 17. 03:19

​It's been a while since I made a blog post so I'll put them here 😎
Disclaimer: This quiz was not supposed to make you feel bad. It was difficuly on purpose because they're mostly questions that the members don't talk about often plus it's a trivia for everyone who doesn't know or a reminder for people who forgot.

Quiz link:

​​​Q1. Which ONF members went to Osaka when they were trainees?
a. Wyatt Laun E-Tion MK
b. J-Us MK Hyojin U
​​c. E-Tion J-Us MK Laun
d. U Laun Wyatt Hyojin

​​A1. E-Tion went to Osaka with J-Us. MK, and Laun in 2016. Hyojin said he was supposed to go too but he was down with fever. (HaruHana vol. 44)
​Q2. ​Which ONF member was pranked when he first came to the dorms?
​​a. MK
​​b. E-Tion
c. Laun
d. U

​​A2. Story time: Among the four (E-Tion, Wyatt, Hyojin, J-Us), E-Tion and Wyatt were the last ones to live in the dorms (Wyatt was living with his parents then and E-Tion just got accepted as a trainee). E-Tion first saw Wyatt and thought he was a hyung because of his big body built. He went to the dorm and found nobody there because it was a weekend and the others went home. Around 9PM, Hyojin arrived. E-Tion greeted him but Hyojin coldly returned his greeting so he got scared and thought Hyojin was a hyung. J-Us then said they planned a prank by pretending to be scary. Hyojin thought E-Tion was a quiet kid but after they told him it's a hidden camera all hell broke loose and he became very noisy. (VLIVE μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš”~\@-@/ 12:10 onwards)

​Q3. Which ONF members were friends with Oh My Girl members prior to joining WM?
​​a. Hyojin MK U
b. Laun E-Tion Wyatt
c. J-Us U Laun
​​d. MK Laun E-Tion

​A3. MK was in the same class as Seunghee at Korea Art High School. After they graduated, they weren't in contact. MK heard that Seunghee will debut in a girl group called Oh My Girl. When he joined the same company by accident, they got in touch. (Kstyle 11/17)
Laun was in the same class as Arin. (As everyone knows)
E-Tion was in the same training academy as Hyojung, auditioned and got accepted into WM at the same time in 2014. (Mudoctor)

​​​Q4. Laun recently had a stomachache Which member massaged Laun's stomach?
​​a. Hyojin
​​b. J-Us
c. E-Tion
d. Wyatt

​​A4. Laun recently had a stomache, J-Us helped him by massaging his stomach which made him feel better. (Hanryu Pia 08/18)

​Q5. Which ONF member cross dressed on a school excursion/field trip?
​​a. MK
b. Laun
c. J-Us
​​d. Wyatt

​​A5. ​One of Wyatt's middle school classmates wrote that Wyatt used to dance a lot in their field trips, if she remembers correctly he even cross dressed. (Post was translated and posted in this blog)

​​​Q6. What was the last drama Hyojin watched?
​​a. Reply 1994
b. Boys Over Flowers
c. Reply 1997
d. Secret Garden

​​A6. Hyojin said he's the movie type and not the drama type so he doesn't watch dramas often. The last one he saw was Reply 1994. Before that was Boys Over Flowers. (VLIVE μ•ˆλ…•ν•˜μ„Έμš”β˜†.β˜†)

​Q7. What was the most memorable thing J-Us said while he was sleep talking?
​​a. Laun-ah
b. Clean up
​​c. Everyone go practice
d. One more time

​​A7. Wyatt exposed the secret sleep talking of J-Us. One time, J-Us said "Everyone, go practice!" he woke up immediately because of his sleep talking and went back to sleep afterwards because of embarassment. Wyatt then kept on teasing him about it afterwards. (HaruHana vol. 49)

​Q8. Which member would like to go to Antarctica given the opportunity?
​​a. Hyojin
b. Laun
c. E-Tion
​​d. MK

​​A8. MK said he would like to go to Antarctica because he wants to feel how cold it is there and he also wants to meet penguins. (M Trivial Interview)

​Q9. Which ONF member sees himself living in a pretty house with a cat in 10 years?
​​a. Wyatt
​​b. E-Tion
c. MK
d. J-Us

​​A9. When asked where does he see himself in 10 years, E-Tion said "I am unmarried, living in a pretty house with a cat. (M Trivial Interview)

​Q10. When E-Tion took an online sorting quiz, which Hogwarts house was he sorted in?
​​a. Hufflepuff
b. Ravenclaw
c. Slytherin
​​d. Gryffindor

​​A10. The online quiz said he's a brave and bold Gryffindor. Yeah.. (FANCAFE DIARY To E-TION)


​Thanks for participating, everyone! I might do another one who knows...

​Translations/compilations by @hyojetion
Don't forget to take out with credits!
